A Matching Theory Approach to the Time Minimization Assignment Problem.


We apply a mechanism design approach to the time minimization assignment problem studied in the operations research literature. A group of workers is to be assigned to tasks. Workers have preferences over tasks as well as scores that determine their compatibility with the tasks. Tasks have a priority schedule that is dependent on the workers’ scores. We introduce a notion of time taken to complete a task based on the weakest link principle and use the metric of time minimization as a means of comparison. We look at existing matching mechanisms and compare how they perform in terms of notions of stability and time minimization. We find inconclusive evidence of a particular mechanism outperforming the others in this regard

Mir Adnan Mahmood
Mir Adnan Mahmood
Economist, Bates White Economic Consulting

I am an Economist at Bates White Economic Consulting. I received my PhD in Economics from The Ohio State University.